Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bullshit 3 | Situations make us Sad

“SAD”, Oxford dictionary defines it as a state of sorrow! But what is Sorrow?
Sorrow is disappointment or distress caused due to something lost or better to say not gained.
In this pretty little world with lots of people,we all have certain goals to be accomplished.Some want to gain success in business, some in the field of education, some in sports,while some in spirituality and religion.Scientists want success in their experimentation. ISRO in Space Missions and the list goes on.
The world is full of people who want to achieve #something in life.Even a beggar has a goal to earn “this much” in a day to buy food!!
But we all know and have heard & saw that success does not come with a straight highway.Its a zig-zag road passing via hills and valleys.We all know that struggle and smart work (doing hard work when and where required) leads to accomplishment of goal.

Path of Success is full of ups & downs
#This was phase 1 where by we agree that yes the path of #Success is not straight & is filled with ups & downs!
We have heard entrepreneurs speak how their life went through ups & downs  but yet we they did not lose hope and kept walking ahead towards goal.They did not become sad even in toughest challenges!
Because they knew,the path is right.whatever challenges come today,it will lead me to my goal for sure!
They had a vision!
Now let's compare this with our life!
What if you start thinking whatever is happening with me today will lead to something good in future.If you start thinking the so called “bad luck” are the valleys of your path, or those downs that successful entrepreneur faced in path to future success.If you start knowing that if today I live in a shanty may be life is teaching me to be down to earth so when I move in a Bungalow in future;I know the conditions of workers working for each penny in my bungalow!
If today life is harsh to you, its because its preparing you for the best!
If today you are ignored its because you learn not to ignore the needy in future and live in the hearts of people forever!
#Time understands us better than we do!
If you start thinking
“Whatever is happening now,however life is hard and harsh to me right now its to make me worth for the Brightest future coming soon!”
And mind me guys!
There is more fun in rising from deepest valleys to highest mountains!
Do share this article on Facebook & tag your friends! Motivate those sad guys who are upset on silliest of the reasons!

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