Sunday 5 November 2017

Top 5 Quotes You Must Read before an Interview! | No Bullshit

It was 2016, I was in the Semester 7 of  IT Engineering when companies had begun flooding in to get the best students for them.The placement drive had begun! I was quite worried, after 2 days interviews of a multinational company were going to start.

The first step is the aptitude test which is the biggest filter in the entire process. If you clear this you have a 50% chance of getting selected.The second most powerful filter is the technical round, all other rounds are just a time pass so preparing for these 2 rounds is the only way to selected!

On the day of the interview, I was just scrolling Instagram & I read that "Talent brings you to the door of the interview,later it all depends on your character" 

I was trying my level best to present my best to them but for that you must be mentally revolving around a limited number of thoughts,hence I searched for Motivational Quotes, I read a 100 of them but what did went inside my memory lanes & deep inside my DNA and did literally helped me in my interview were these 5 Quotes!


The quote by Steve Martin "Be so good that they can't ignore you" is one of the best quotes for interviews, it helps you to dig inside you and get the best out of you!


I love this quote by Tony Robbins "If you do what you have always done,you'll get what you have always gotten!" This quote will make you get innovative & do something different which is 100% going to grab significant attention of the interviewers!


Now this quote by Jim Carrey "Forget the pain, Mock the pain,Reduce It and laugh" is going to help you when you will face something out of syllabus! and you aren't able to answer it.You are going to feel afraid & feel pain but don't worry simply laugh it out!


This quote by Richard Branson is one of my favorite quotes,it will motivate you to take up the job even though its out of your profile! Go ahead if its an amazing opportunity then learn it out how to do it! Simple! Just don't miss the opportunity! Say Yes [if its amazing] !


You are not going to get selected always, there is no fool proof method that says you will get selected if you follow this! At this point when you feel things are going against you! Do not worry but remember Henry Ford's quote "When everything seems to be going against you; remember- An airplane takes off against the wind and not with it!" Something better is coming for you! but yeah! you have to put in more efforts!

I hope this article helps you to be motivated & inspired.Never lose hope and keep trying for the best! Never settle!

Share this article and  motivate your friends too! [God will bless you if they get selected because you shared this article & they read it]

Friday 3 November 2017

No! studying isn’t all that matters in life, it is just a phase which can lead you to another phase of life!
Found the above sentence complicated? Let’s make it easier.
> In this world, max have been of reactive personality, they first learn all things and then they end up thinking what to do of this knowledge gained.This is the system that our current British brought education system follow which I guess has eventually lead you to ask this question.
> But, what if we take a “Pro-active” approach where we first envision what we want to do & then go on learning whatever it takes to reach there! If we get a need to study we no longer will feel that its the only thing that matter because studying will then become a path towards your goal
Just need to get “Proactive”

Thursday 2 November 2017

Recently there was a question on Quora which asked If you have no purpose in life, why live at all?
Purpose of Life!

I thought on this and have replied to the question as follows:
To find a purpose can also be a purpose of the life! There are so many real life examples who knew nothing & were damn confused what to do in life! They went after finding the purpose.
The purpose of their life was to find the purpose! Funny isn’t it? but this approach itself made them successful!
Many have the purpose while some have to find it just as many can get a few rupees lying on road while some have to dig to find diamonds!
You think ; what is valuable? having purpose or not having purpose and finding it!

What do you think? Do you have a purpose in your life? Let me know your views in the comment section & yeah do share this article!

Bullshhit Blog is on Instagram too! Do connect!

Tuesday 31 October 2017

“SAD”, Oxford dictionary defines it as a state of sorrow! But what is Sorrow?
Sorrow is disappointment or distress caused due to something lost or better to say not gained.
In this pretty little world with lots of people,we all have certain goals to be accomplished.Some want to gain success in business, some in the field of education, some in sports,while some in spirituality and religion.Scientists want success in their experimentation. ISRO in Space Missions and the list goes on.
The world is full of people who want to achieve #something in life.Even a beggar has a goal to earn “this much” in a day to buy food!!
But we all know and have heard & saw that success does not come with a straight highway.Its a zig-zag road passing via hills and valleys.We all know that struggle and smart work (doing hard work when and where required) leads to accomplishment of goal.

Path of Success is full of ups & downs
#This was phase 1 where by we agree that yes the path of #Success is not straight & is filled with ups & downs!
We have heard entrepreneurs speak how their life went through ups & downs  but yet we they did not lose hope and kept walking ahead towards goal.They did not become sad even in toughest challenges!
Because they knew,the path is right.whatever challenges come today,it will lead me to my goal for sure!
They had a vision!
Now let's compare this with our life!
What if you start thinking whatever is happening with me today will lead to something good in future.If you start thinking the so called “bad luck” are the valleys of your path, or those downs that successful entrepreneur faced in path to future success.If you start knowing that if today I live in a shanty may be life is teaching me to be down to earth so when I move in a Bungalow in future;I know the conditions of workers working for each penny in my bungalow!
If today life is harsh to you, its because its preparing you for the best!
If today you are ignored its because you learn not to ignore the needy in future and live in the hearts of people forever!
#Time understands us better than we do!
If you start thinking
“Whatever is happening now,however life is hard and harsh to me right now its to make me worth for the Brightest future coming soon!”
And mind me guys!
There is more fun in rising from deepest valleys to highest mountains!
Do share this article on Facebook & tag your friends! Motivate those sad guys who are upset on silliest of the reasons!
You are limiting yourself if you live in the circumference of “Talents” !
Talent is necessary to be successful

Everyone has the capability to do things differently!
Let me give you my example, I am an IT guy who took up a job in HR which is completely off-topic for me yet I could analyse how things in HR Industry works & apply my IT perspective in that.
Another example: One of my teacher asked us Why is this fan not working? Many said because the switch is off, some said it has a technical issue while one creative girl said because it is sad!
The moral is everyone can enter Every field & bring a whole new perspective in that for which you do not need talent you need just your inner voice telling you what to do next.
Jainism preaches of "Anekantavada"  which is  no single, specific statement can describe the nature of existence and the absolute truth! We all can bring in a whole new perspective to a field about which we have no knowledge!
Isn't it awesome? Just boost yourself up & go on enhancing your own skills that you already posses. This will 110% make you successful in your life!
Do let us know your views about this article in the comments section! 

Sunday 29 October 2017

It was 2009, I was in  my 8th grade attending lecture on algebra. Our teacher gave us a problem to solve.We all started drilling our memory lanes to recall on which theorem we can solve it. I tried a lot but had little success! Mam walked up to me and said "It's simple! assume the left hand side as this..." and she scribbled something on my book which I no longer remember as my attention was on the phrase she said "Its simple! Assume.."

Just a few months ago I met my young cousin, she is in kindergarten.I jokingly asked her if she knows a poem? She nodded & started singing poem on a fat teapot! I was impressed by the way she sang! Satisfied with impressing me;she asked if I knew the story of bunny and tortoise? I lied and said No! would you love to tell me? I asked; she happily nodded!

She began the bunny & tortoise story which we have been reading since ages! Even my grandparents used to tell me this story who themselves had heard from their parents as if its one of the most important stories of our lifetime passing through generations & generations!

She kept on speaking & explaining me the story with her best efforts.Suddenly I couldn't hear her as if she was speaking in a mute mode! My brain was thinking something after it heard something. My neurons were charged up as if something had stroke me!

The phrase was "The bunny went to sleep.." What? that's it? Yeah,No! #ItsDeep think on this! Connect that algebra lecture day of 2009 to 2017.


What we have been taught as the moral is "Slow and steady wins the race!" but in reality in a very much indirect way we are taught to assume that our competitor is going to be asleep!

Why will our competitor be asleep and let us win? will you sleep if you were in the position of the bunny had I told you the winner gets 100 Gold Coins? No! then why we are being taught this lesson when we are young? The lesson which is going to be proved wrong when we grow older, we all are going to understand that "Fast & Steady wins the race!" 

Our competitors are not going to fall asleep, they are going to keep on enhancing themselves each day and they will make you go to sleep if you do not wake up and fight for your goals!

This was Bullshit 1

Don't you feel we are told myths which we end up embedding it up in our lives? Share this #BullshitBlog with your friends and let us know in the comments section on a #Myth that you want the world to know about!

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